• Time to Eat Shoots!

    As the weather is getting warmer, the growth rate of the plants accelerate immensely! Shrubs and trees grow new shoots, annuals want to flower and go to seed as soon as they can!…

  • Polyculture Gardening Part II

    Here’s the Part II of our polyculture garden tour.    Kale On the outer edge of the bed I planted kale as a living fence. It grows quite high and defines the borders…

  • Polyculture Gardening-Part I

    https://youtu.be/xH4gXYNKm24 I’ve been researching and experimenting on polyculture gardening for a couple of seasons and I can see that it works very well! There are more pollinators and beneficial insects as well as…

  • Galium Aparine (Cleavers)

    Cleavers come out in abundance in late winter to spring. They cling to clothes, cats, anything that is close by!   They start to show up as early as January and grow rapidly…

  • Growing Plants from Cuttings

    Whenever I see a plant I like I just take a little cutting about 10 cm long with at least 2 eyes on it and stick it in a pot filled with loose…

  • How to Propagate Rosemary by Layering

    An easy way to propagate rosemary plant is to bury one of its lower branches in soil. After a while you’ll see roots forming.  Depending on the season, it might take longer in…

  • Wild Salad Greens

    As I got to know and recognize the wild plants that pop up all over, I realized how much more beneficial they are than the domesticated greens.

  • Seed Saving #2: Calendula Officinalis

    Seed Saving  2.Calendula Officinalis (Pot Marigold) When the flower closes, slowly the seeds will start to form ( all the little curls you see on the photos are seeds). Once they are dry,…