Saving Armenian Cucumber Seeds

Armenian cucumber  is a member of the melon family and it can grow huge!

The most important thing for saving its seeds is to let it grow as much as it can. It will turn from green to yellow and will feel a bit mushy when touched.  I really wanted to save its seeds so I didn’t want to take chances by rushing. The  negative part is that the plant stops producing other fruit and gives all its energy to grow this one. 


So I let it grow and grow! At one point it started to smell like melon and some cracks appeared. Also some new fruit started to appear in the plant. Then I decided it was time!

I cut it open and there  they were: ripe seeds! I scooped them out, put them in a cup and let them ferment for a day or two with the juice of the fruit. Then I strained and wash them and let them dry in a windowsill. 

Now I have tons of seeds that will last me forever!



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