

I’m Nazlı. I’ve been a fashion designer, an entrepreneur with her own children clothing brand, a sewing instructor with her own teaching system, an owner of multiple online shops, a gardener, a waitress, a kindergarten teacher, a botanical researcher, a host of children’s tv show, a wild yeast soda maker and more. 


After many years, I became gradually less dependent on the modern life and more appreciative of the old ways of living. I accumulated a good amount of skills, which shape my current (and hopefully future) life.


I realized that the skills I was acquiring in my daily life, by learning how to cook, how to plant, how to forage, how to mend, how to research, how to illustrate, how to ferment, how to propagate, how to weave and most importantly how to learn, were essentially paving the road to the self sufficiency. 


I hope you enjoy my work and blog! 


If you have any questions, collaboration requests or anything else that comes to your mind, please feel free to contact me.


Have a sunny day!

contact: mandalinarossa@gmail.com