• Polyculture Gardening Part II

    Here’s the Part II of our polyculture garden tour.    Kale On the outer edge of the bed I planted kale as a living fence. It grows quite high and defines the borders…

  • Polyculture Gardening-Part I

    https://youtu.be/xH4gXYNKm24 I’ve been researching and experimenting on polyculture gardening for a couple of seasons and I can see that it works very well! There are more pollinators and beneficial insects as well as…

  • Growing Plants from Cuttings

    Whenever I see a plant I like I just take a little cutting about 10 cm long with at least 2 eyes on it and stick it in a pot filled with loose…

  • Wild Salad Greens

    As I got to know and recognize the wild plants that pop up all over, I realized how much more beneficial they are than the domesticated greens.

  • Protecting Seeds and Seedlings

    Ways to Protect Seeds and Seedlings from cats,slugs etc.. When I started sowing seeds in the early spring when the weather was still chilly, I realized that I have to protect them from…